
Interesting and/or cool stuff I've come across from art, design, technology, photography, movies I've watched and liked and, occasionally, my thoughts.

Mind matters

A couple of mental health related links that have come across my radar (somewhat) recently.

Pro tennisist Naomi Osaka, who withdrew from the French Open to protect her mind:
"I do hope that people can relate and understand it’s O.K. to not be O.K., and it’s O.K. to talk about it. There are people who can help, and there is usually light at the end of any tunnel."
'It's O.K. Not to Be O.K.', Naomi Osaka


Mariin Petoffer is creating a tiny gadget called Mental Pin that helps alleviate anxiety by cleverly syncing itself to your heartbeat, thus making itself more personal and easier to connect with, so you can focus your attention on something else than whatever shenanigans your mind is trying to pull.


Web developer David Oscar offers devs a routine and simple tips to help keep a balanced mind.


"I was struggling to get out of bed by 10am, struggling to work out, struggling to only have one glass of wine, struggling to fall asleep. /.../ And it’s not (just) the pandemic - it’s an overwhelming feeling of being done, done with this, whatever this is. /.../ So why did I burn out? I don’t know."
Burning out and quitting, Maya Kaczorowski